Saturday, September 23, 2006

From Brandon's letter to me::
"I know what you mean, all too well, by wishing you had someone's advice, wisdom, and spiritual guidance this past year. It seems, so many times in life, right when we need someone or something the most it's taken away from us. Almost as if to make things worse on purpose, like God's punishing us, or the enemy's just kicking our butt. The funny thing is, it's quite the contrary. It could not be a better blessing. Remember Hebrews 12:16 (Proverbs 3:11, 12)- 'the Lord disciplines those he loves.' Bethany, consider it a blessing. The Lord is with you every step of the way. He took away from you that which you thought you might need the most. Why? Because it produces humility and brokenness (Psalm 51:16, 17). And these in return produce reliance on Him and Him alone. Jesus need be your source, no other. Jesus need be your advice, your wisdom, your spiritual guidance, your source of joy. If he's not, then dare I say it, may he take even more away from you! For 'where our depravity meets His divinity is a beautiful collision.' You know where that's from."