Friday, July 07, 2006

This is part of a blog by David's friend Graeme that I wanted to...borrow.
Monday, May 22, 2006

on being an ass

"I have just returned from a party of which I was the life and soul; wit poured from my lips, everyone laughed and admired me - but i went away...and I wanted to shoot myself." ~Soren Kierkegarrd "Journals"

"As often as I have been among men, I have returned home a lesser man." ~ St. Thomas A Kempis "Imitation of Christ"

In a sense it is amazing how the brain works inside a man to be able to be witty and quick - but in the grand scheme it is just a DISTRACTION from the GLORY of our Savior and God. We need to take this life more serious, not to get drunk in our humor or in our wealth or entertainment. Christ should CONSTANTLY be on our hearts and minds.

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful in building up others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen...Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, JUST AS in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4: 29/32

"Who has a fiercer struggle than he who strives to conquer himself?" Wisdom X, 12

Do we really regard the approval of men in such high regard? why?
"Oh how swiftly the glory of this world passes away!"

And from here we can go on to talk about the eternality of choice- and how we can either say and do things that have eternal value or are eternally worthless. We must come to the realization that everything is one of those options.
It puts our actions into a serious perspective.


I don't know how I can so easily forget day after day the importance of what I say. It's so easy, especially around friends, to speak of things that in no way build up others according to their needs and in no way bring glory to God. As one who believes that Jesus is who he is, I need to not so often talk about things that are so "eternally worthless".


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