Friday, August 18, 2006

I've struggled to love. All people-- friends especially. One thing that Donald Miller points out in Searching For God Knows What is that sinners felt comfortable in Jesus' presense. That interests me a lot. Though he hated sin so much, he never showed contempt towards anyone. And therefore the lowly were attracted to him. He loved everyone, always. I'd really like to be able to say the same of myself. I'd like for the "the lowly" to feel comfortable around me because I'm loving them in the same way that Jesus loves me, in the same way that we're called to love each other as in Romans 15:17. Accept one another, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Everything comes back to giving praise and glory to God, because that is why we're here. I think the biggest thing that gets in the way of my loving others is pride. If I can humble myself I will find it easier to love people, to be obedient, and to glorify God in the things that I do, big or small.

"Jesus had friendships with people who were struggling. His love and acceptance was so fulfilling, that most people left the lifestyles they were living and found greater fulfillment in life with Him. Therefore, I will continue to love [all] without shame."