Monday, June 26, 2006

I feel homesick for Standing Rock. I loved the trip. I was nervous about it because we didn't seem prepared but I just can't believe the way we pulled everything together. We were flexible and responsive to what God wanted us to do, and when given responsibiliy we just flew with it. Seriously I am so impressed with a lot of people in our youth group for the things they did for the team.
I feel like I've been given new life. Doors have been opened.
I feel ready to let people in. I know I always put my guard up but I know Jesus is changing me in that way.
It's tough to come back home. It always is and yet I'm never comletely prepared to deal with all the strangely familiar emotions I get during this transition back into "normal" life. I miss the reservation and everything about it.
I have to do Pathways. I have growing up to do, on so many levels and in so many ways...but I would love it. I love getting to know those people and it's exciting to think about what could happen in over 2 months. It's amazing; the Spirit is so real and alive at camp St. Gabriel. I told MaryAnn, I can walk into that chapel at any given moment and feel a peace I've never known before.
I have to work hard at relationships. I have to be praying for other people. A lot. I have to be seeking God in everything. I have to be asking for courage that I might truly be light to the world and salt to the earth, and help others be so too.


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